Paper Title
Multipurpose Rover with Robotic Arm

Automating things has been increasing dramatically in recent days due to the growing necessity among humans. Robotics and automation represent the cutting edge of modern technology, to create intelligent systems capable of performing tasks autonomously or with minimal human intervention. Robots replace repetitive or dangerous human tasks, from manufacturing and agriculture to healthcare and exploration, robotics and automation are revolutionizing industries, improving efficiency, safety, and productivity. The robotic arm operates using preinstalled commands within the ESP32 module, providing 4 degrees of freedom. Rovers deployed in planetary exploration missions will extensively utilize robotic arms, which are essential for carrying out tasks. The entire system is controlled using a 10-channel FS-i6s transmitter and FS-IA10B receiver, while the rover, equipped with four gear motors, enables the wheels to rotate at a speed of 200 rpm. The work introduces the development and management of a rover and robotic arm combination suitable for applications in space exploration, bomb disposal, radioactive environments, confined spaces, and other hazardous conditions. Keywords - ESP32, FS-i6s, FS-IA10B