Paper Title
Developing A Basic Incident Response Plan for Cyber Attack

The research paper investigates the operational and financial elements of power electronics-intensive smart microgrids, as well as the risks and possible effects of cyber events. False data injection (FDI) attacks are examined in detail, with special attention paid to the risks they pose to data integrity in cyber or communication networks. The study examines the many effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) assaults on protection systems, voltage and frequency regulation, and state estimation, with a focus on the physical as well as economic ramifications. The methodical classification of defensive tactics against FDI attacks provides insights into protection and detection/mitigation methods. Examples of how FDI attacks are implemented in smart microgrids and how they are detected and mitigated are given, along with a summary of international cyber-security initiatives and key guidelines. The report is a useful resource since it finishes with a discussion of potential future developments in smart microgrid cybersecurity. Keywords - Smart Microgrids, Cyber-Security, False Data Injection Attacks, Cyber-Physical Systems, Protection Strategies