Paper Title
Evaluation of Future Wireless Networks Using Cognitive Radio Networks

This study investigates how Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) will revolutionize wireless communication in the future. Traditional networks struggle with inefficiencies in the modern condition of wireless networks, which is characterized by soaring demand for spectrum due to developing technologies. As a result, CRNs show promise as a remedy, improving overall network efficiency and dynamically adjusting to spectrum shortages. The study delves into the complexities of CRNs using rigorous analytical techniques and careful data collecting, with a focus on spectrum efficiency and network performance as important aspects. Visual aids such as mathematical graphs and charts show how cognitive radio technology has evolved. The conclusion offers a cogent synopsis, emphasizing the critical role that CRNs have had in influencing the state of wireless communication. The wider ramifications highlight their capacity to tackle obstacles and pave the way for a responsive and dynamic future in wireless networks. Keywords - Cognitive Radio, Wireless Networks, Evolution, Spectrum Sensing, Spectrum Allocation