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Depoliticization of Dance: An Analysis

Dance occupies a special place in all the societies and human cultures from time immemorial where expressions and manifestations of emotions and postures are made. It is one of the important ways of human expression where movement of the body plays a vital role. Some people term dance as merely some movement. But it has a deeper meaning than this. In Anthropology, dance is a form of cultural practice and a social ritual (Radcliffe-Brown 1994), in seeking aesthetic pleasures. It is intertwined with culture and community and reflects various aspects of different culture which build their cultural identities. So, the varied alliance of movement and rhythms has the power to link dance with social conditions of human life by reflecting their different aspects. The human migration across the borders has created transformation in almost all the social arenas. Therefore, many dance genres have become international and globalization has also created hybrid dance forms that combine elements from various cultures. It means that cultural pursuits are linked with market where they project dance as a form of entertainment only. Therefore it is high time to critically examine and understand the position of dance for the betterment of the society in the social context.