Paper Title
Effectiveness of Social Inquiry Model in Promoting Global Citizenship Education with Science Teaching at Secondary Level

Neoteric life styles have brought a great damage to nature and environment. Education in the wider sense will play an integral role in bringing the change required in distant ways. Science education with proper understanding can act as a vector for promotion of inter-connectivity globally. Cultural differences are an important part of global citizenship education and policy which seeks to promote the celebration of cultural differences. Education for global citizenship strengthen children and young people to analyze, establish, and express their own values and opinions, while listening to others’ points of view. The field of global citizenship education is wider than a single scheme of work or subject. It is more than simply looking at social issues. It is relevant to all areas of the curriculum, all abilities and to all age ranges of human beings. This research work investigated the impacts of gender of students within global citizenship education with science teaching and investigated any difference in learning outcomes of students belonging to different groups based on their gender. Findings revealed the existence of difference in pre and post test marks which indicates that there is no difference in knowledge based, value based and citizenship based outcomes of boys and girls. It means that GCE course is effective for both the boys and girls irrespective of gender. Apart from this, the study also revealed that most of the students perceived that when global issues are addressed, they are often approached through the biased perspectives of ethnocentrism, national chauvinism, and global economic dominance. Students accepted that curriculum promoting global citizenship has been absent from the spotlight. Keywords - Global Citizenship Education, Knowledge Based, Value Based and Citizenship Based Learning Outcomes.