Paper Title
A Review on Conversion of Source Information into Images using Artificial Intelligence

Speech is the most effective way for humans to interact. Interaction between human and machine is considered as human-machine interface. This paper provides an overview of significant technical viewpoints and knowledge of the basic advancement of source information to image transformation, as well as a comparative review of various strategies used in each stage of recognition of speech, sentence segmentation and image retrieval process. This paper attempts to evaluate an approach for the development of an effective source information to image conversion system. However, we can effectively examine speech signals and identify the text utilizing present methods, algorithms and techniques but it’s hard to find something which can convert a query containing multiple streams of sentences into images. The aim of this paper is to sum up and compare various methods for speech recognition along with methodologies for sentence segmentation and image retrieval techniques and to identify several research areas and their applications which are hot and key prospects of this interesting and challenging field. Keywords - Speech-to-text; Natural language processing; Speech segmentation; Speech recognition; Image Retrieval.