Paper Title
Coronary Artery Disease Prediction System Considering Multifactor Weights using Naive Bayes

Cardiovascular disease actually plays a major role in mortality of human being. Lots of research, survey has been carried out for cardiovascular disease prediction all over the world. Through the proposed method a Coronary artery disease, that leads to the heart blockage is predicted considering factors like heredity, symptoms like slow or irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath, fainting, headache, discomfort in chest, and problem in doing exercise, other influencing diseases, external factors i.e. smoking, by assigning weight to them and compute level of risk through a prediction function applying the artificial neural network. Age and gender also play a major in influencing the cardiovascular diseases. The proposed technique also uses optimization using genetic algorithm. Keywords - Cardiovascular disease1, Coronary artery disease2, heredity3, prediction function4.