Paper Title
NextGen ‘HOSPITAL’ITY: Connecting Intelligent Things using IoT

Intravenous infusion is the most common treatment for its rapid drug use and small trauma. However, medical staff cannot monitor the infusion constantly, which makes the drop rate anomaly and drug replacement unable to be timely noticed which leads to the reverse fluid flow sometimes. The development of real-time infusion monitoring devices has great significance for both medical staff and patients. We propose the design of a drip monitoring device using the load sensor, DHT11 sensor, load cell, and servo motor then, connect them with IoT to form a monitoring system. With the help of the system, the nurses will get the temperature and humidity of the patient which is continuously monitored by sensors on the computer. Also, the saline level is monitored and when it reaches a particular level an emergency message will be sent to the authorities and the flow of fluid will be stopped. Even though there exist many systems to monitor the IV system, this system proposes an automatic fluid flow control with cost efficiency and good performance. Keywords - Load cell, DHT11 sensor, Server motor, Node MCU, ThingSpeak server.