Paper Title
Earth Dam Surveillance using Wireless Instrumentation

Instrumentation and real time monitoring of dam is an essential component of dam safety program. Dam failure may lead to a great loss of lives and property. Instrumentation and monitoring provides the quantitative data on structural behaviour of dam which interns very helpful in considering the subsequent remedial measures to be provided timely. This article discusses a possible wireless instrumentation and real time monitoring scheme specifically for earth dams for measuring different ground parameters using different sensors in an automated manner. This article has been restricted with post-construction stage wireless instrumentation and real time monitoring of dam. Various types of measurements for ascertaining the safety of the earth dam includes movement or deformation, porewater pressure, water seepage and response to seismic activity. Also application of geotechnical and geophysical investigations prior to instrumentation and real time monitoring is presented. Keywords - Hydraulic, Dam, Embankment, Hydraulic Gradient