Paper Title
Study and Analysis of Ancient Construction Materials and Architectural Techniques

Today, many people in India and the world think that architecture or civil engineering is a very new technique which has come to India from the west. Not only this, today’s engineering colleges are taught mostly in the context of western civil engineering and cement-based structures. These modern science cement structures gradually become weak and start falling apart after 30 years. However, one wonders how fortresses, palaces and temples built in ancient India have stood intact for so many hundred years now. Our ancient books on architecture and monuments give us an insight into the knowledge and techniques that India possessed about building designs and construction. This paper is only a way to study the ancient structure of our country. We all know that thousands of millions of years ago, some such structures were built, which are still making the history of our country proud. There are many structures of ancient times which have stood like a rock in splite of natural disasters like earthquake, storm, heat, weather etc. Therefore today it is necessary that we collect all the information about that ancient technology, with the help of which we can keep today’s structure alive for thousands of years. Because there will be some such technology in that period which disappeared with time. Keywords - Ancient structure, Load, Construction, Materials etc.