Paper Title
Wireless Sensor Network System

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) provide a new paradigm for sensing and disseminating information from various environments, with the potential to serve many and diverse applications. Current WSNs typically communicate directly with a centralized controller or satellite. On the other hand, a smart WSN consists of a number of sensors spread across a geographical area; each sensor has wireless communication capability and sufficient intelligence for signal processing and networking of the data.With over a decade of intensive research and development, wireless sensor network technology has been emerging as a viable solution to many innovative applications. In this paper, we describe a wireless sensor network system that we have developed using open-source hardware platforms, Arduino and Raspberry Pi. The system is low-cost and highly scalable both in terms of the type of sensors and the number of sensor nodes, which makes it well suited for a wide variety of applications related to environmental monitoring. Overall system architecture and the design of hardware and software components are presented in details in this paper. Some sample deployment and measurement results are also presented to demonstrate the usefulness of the system. Keywords - Sensor Nodes, Localization, Global Positioning System (GPS), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Graph Theory