Paper Title
The Study of Pattern of Lipid Profile in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Conservative Management and Hemodialysis - A Comparative Study

Background-Chronickidneydisease(CKD) is the irreversible damage to the renal tissue resulting in decreased kidney function. CKD is more known for its morbidity than foritsmortality as the alteredrenal functioning affects every organ system of thebody. Dyslipidemia is the most common complication of Chronic RenalFailure (CRF)reflected even in the early stages ofCRF and usually parallels the deterioration in renal function. Materials and Methods-This is a cross-sectional observational study conducted on Lucknow population to compare lipidprofileinCKDpatientsonconservativemanagementwithCKDpatientson hemodialysisbetweenJune 2020 to May 2021afterconsideringinclusionandexclusioncriteria. Lipidprofileofeligiblepatients was analyzed using Autoanalyzer. Result-There was a statistically highly significant decrease in HDL and increase in TG and VLDL levels inCKDpatientson hemodialysis when comparedwithCKD patientson conservativemanagement. As far as T.Cholestrol &LDL levels are concerned they were significantly increased in CKDpatientson hemodialysis than CKD patientsonconservativemanagement. Conclusion-Monitoring of dyslipidemia in early stages of CKD helps in decreasing progression and hence mortality in CKD patients. Keywords - CKD, Lipidprofile, Dyslipidemia, Hemodialysis.