Paper Title
IOT based Smart Alarm System to Monitor Medication of Elderly People and Patients

IOT features smart communication system, connecting and monitoring real-day appliances over the internet making human life smarter and more efficient. This paper presents an IOT based smart alarm system to monitor the medications of old aged people using an android application. In this modern-day world, the elderly people are often left alone at home without the supervision of others. They forget to take medications at regular time which leads to uncertain situations and even death in some cases. Therefore, we aim to design a system which alerts the elderly people to take necessary medications and notify the caretaker or children about the completion of the event. The framework is constituted of three parts namely wearable device, servers and databases, mobile applications. In the proposed system to alert to take medications, the alarm will be set in the device for the required time and a voice note stating the prescription will be sent by the caretaker to the elderly people via the android application. The schedule of the alarm, prescription and the voice note will be stored on the cloud server using the same application. Further all the functions stored on the cloud will be executed on the IOT board. Raspberry-pi (IOT device) is used to accomplish the function of an alarm device in the developed prototype. A Kotlin based android app is used to interact with the IOT device and Firebase is used to serve as a cloud framework. Keywords - IoT, Elderly People Medication, Alarm Device, Mobile Application