Paper Title
A Conceptual Solution Proposal for Governance Challenges of DAOS

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are one of the promising application areas of blockchain technology. They are decentralized applications running on blockchain as virtual organizations based on the interaction of many stakeholders who do not know each other and do not trust each other. Many believe that DAOs hold the promise for the future of business and work, but despite a lot of discussion in the blockchain community, a successful governance system and operational basis for DAOs is still missing. DAO governance can be a complex issue due to lack of control by a central authority. Existing DAO governance models have to solve difficult problems especially in decision-making, permission management and upgrade processes. Also, they are not flexible enough to easily and cost-effectively adapt to dynamically changing conditions. In this paper, we first present a conceptual analysis on DAOs challenges. Next, we reviewcertain aspects of popular DAO development software against these DAO challenges. Considering the fact that the blockchain itself is the closest existing thing to a DAO, the governance challenges of blockchain and DAO are expected to be quite overlapping. Conveniently, the outputs of our conceptual analysis confirm this with a few exceptions. Therefore, it makes sense to consider studies addressing the challenges of blockchain governance for the DAO space as well.Finally, we propose a technological approach based onknowledge gained from previous workin the blockchain domainto respond practically to DAO challenges. Keywords - DAO, Blockchain governance, policy, decentralized identity, Aragon, Colony, DAO Stack, DSaaS