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Symbolism and Images in Ernest Hemmingway’s Novels

Hemmingway has embodied the world of external realities in his short fiction and novels. He has been so much interested in the portrayals of wars, fishing, bullfights, brutality, violence and slaughter, that he has been treated as naturalist. His Symbols are borrowed from the material universe. The Old Man and the Sea, The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to arms are all filled with symbolic ebullience. The images are also figurative and descriptive despite of despair and gloom. It is like a painter painting a picture before us, so alive and real. One can feel the roller-coaster ride of hope and despair that life brings along with it. This gives depth and poignancy to his writings. Hemingway was a prolific writer and lost no opportunity to render his impressions and experiences into an articulate form. Hewas an artist with pragmatic and empirical castof mind. He was the votary of artistic neutrality. For him , humanity was all important. Keywords - Symbolist, Realist, Iceberg, Fine Imagery, Naturalist.