Paper Title
Learning to Learn Competence - Major Imperative in Changing Adaptability to Labor Market Requirements

This paper presents the importance of individual learning for students in the current situation marked by the pandemic, but also in adapting to change. We are in a situation where we are going through a stage of profound, complete and radical changes in all areas of human activity, including education. Thus, in its professional training, the student must be able to design changes, to intervene into their flow in order to obtain the desired effects and to avoid the undesirable ones, but they are based on the learning to learn competence. The competence of "learning to learn" is one of the key competences in today's society, the society that is based on knowledge, but also conditioned by the pandemic, Covid -19. The competence learning to learn derives in several benefits, among which there is the employment of the personality in the conditions of the constantly changing requirements of the labor market. An important role, in this sense, has the self-regulation of learning / individual learning, which allows the student to approach the study and academic tasks proactively, experientially and self-reflexively. The research involved 200 students from the Republic of Moldova, being an ascertaining one, focused only on one part of the problem regarding the specific behaviors in which the individual learning of students materializes - a factor that highlights a preparation for students’ adaptation to change this regard. Thus, we conclude that the human potential must be trained in learning to learn, a skill that would guide more effectively both in solving creative problems and in adapting to change. Keywords - Learning, Learning to Learn Competence, Self-regulation of Learning.