Paper Title
Neural Image Style Transfer

The use of cell phones has expanded multi-overlap in late many years principally as a result of their utility in many parts of day-to-day existence, like correspondences, diversion, monetary exchanges, and so forth. This has prompted a blast of media content. With the progression in the extra room of cell phones, more photographs and recordings are caught every day. It offers enormous extension in Picture handling. Machine Learning and Image Processing together both can be applied to produce newer set of Image Generation from the content that we have. Two Images can be fused to generate a new image have characteristics of both and yet is more appealing. Neural Image Style Transfer targets this regime of Image Processing and Machine Learning to generate new set of Image. It transfers the segment style of reference style image on the segment of another image to produce astonishing new image. This offers a way to transfer the style of one image over another which yields a superior new image. Keywords – Machine Learning, Image Processing, Image Generation, Neural Networks, Style Transfer.