Paper Title
Management of Para Symphysis Fracture Using Single Miniplate (Our Experience)

Study was under taken to study the use of single miniplate with enrich arch bar instead of two mini plastesin fractures of the symphysis and Para-symphysis regions of mandible. To evaluate prospectively the clinical outcome, bony union, occlusal relationship, and complications associated with single mini plate with Erich arch bar fixation of the Para-symphysis fractures. A prospective study was conducted on patients with maxillofacial injuries reporting to the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, IGGDC Jammu,. A total of 100 patients indicated for open reduction and semi-rigid fixation of isolated non-comminuted symphysis and para symphysis fractures were included in the study. Intraoral, open reduction and semi rigid fixation of non-comminuted symphys is and para- Symphysealfractures was performed using a single 2 mm, 6-hole mini pate & 2x8mm mono cortical screws and Erich arch bars under general and local anaesthesia.