Paper Title
Application of Automated Support and Documentation Directed Towards Minimization of Inventory Stock Outs Via Apache Poi

During the growth of a company, it is vital that the process flow of tasks which governs the production, purchase and quality has to be streamlined. Amongst all of these activities, the management and replenishment of inventory becomes a crucial task. It can be observed that in the production department, a rising demand of spare parts and quality control equipment is always present. Meeting these demands becomes the responsibility of the inventory department. Management level examination has revealed that the communication gap in between the purchase and production departments (majorly in small scale OEMs) fuels in an insufficient rate of replenishment of the inventory. This often results in stock outs if the withdrawal rate exceeds the rate or their replenishment in ad hoc situations. This research paper focuses on deriving a structured approach to managing inventory and data driven decision making with the use of Apache POI libraries in Java API. Keywords - Automated Inventory Replenishment, Apache POI, Java API