Paper Title
Post-Pandemic Rationale: Validating The Necessity of Digital Marketing Strategies In Small & Micro Enterprises in the Industrial Component Manufacturing Sectors

This study explores the perspectives of participants from the manufacturing industry regarding the necessity of digital marketing post-pandemic. While participants from the industry acknowledge that digital marketing may become a future necessity, they currently deem it not immediately required. This perspective is grounded in factors such as the limited online presence of end-users, reliance on traditional methods in niche markets, and the substantial role of relationship-building, which constitutes almost half of their business. Concerns about data security, the enduring effectiveness of traditional channels, and resistance to change emerge as obstacles to embracing digital media. Conversely, some participants highlight the advantages of digital marketing, including global reach, market expansion, employee engagement, thought leadership, relationship building, and insights into customer behavior. Despite colleagues expressing fears about job insecurity, proficiency gaps, and cybersecurity, there is a growing recognition of the post-pandemic imperative for digital adaptation. The study underscores the importance of early training and ongoing dialogue on marketing digitization for fostering relationships, global business expansion, establishing new supply chain connections, thought leadership, and gaining a competitive edge. Keywords - Digital marketing, SMEs, Manufacturing