Paper Title
AI Based Security Survillance System- An Overview

Security surveillance systems are of paramount importance in the protection of both public and private areas. Conventional means of identification, including passwords and ID cards, have their inherent limitations, highlighting an increasing demand for authentication methods that are both more dependable and less intrusive. Gait analysis, a discipline centered on the examination of human walking patterns, has risen as a highly promising biometric approach within the realm of security. The Gait analysis, focusing on unique walking patterns, is proving to be a compelling biometric method for security. Its non-intrusive and continuous authentication features make it suitable for diverse settings, from public areas to high-security facilities. With ongoing advancements in technology and artificial intelligence, gait analysis is positioned to provide a secure and efficient alternative to conventional identification methods, meeting the evolving demands of modern security systems. Keywords- Security surveillance, Motion capture, Joint angles, artificial intelligence, gait analysis.