Paper Title
Alumino-Silicous and Magnetic Materials: The Novel Value Added Components Derived from Indian Flyash

Flyashfrom super thermal power plant using pulverized fuel combustor—has been characterized in respect of its physico-chemical, mineralogical, and morphological features. Size-classified fractions with their magnetic and alumino-silicouscomponents have also been characterized. Low loss on ignition and particle size distribution profile shows fly ash has high utility. The magic number(10 µm) is attained by greater % of particles.SEM-EDS reveals that particles are mostly globular with high surface enrichment of Al/Si indicating that it will act as un-reactive inert fillers. In magnetic components, various types of Fe bearing phase are present with less porous and more regular shape.Fractions having high content of magnetite which is expected to help in coal beneficiation. The finer fraction of non-magnetic componentsis a source of alumino-siliceous material for synthesizing a novel solid acid or base catalyst for catalyzing industrially important organic reactions.