Paper Title
Privacy Prevention Techniques in Cyber Physical System for Pharmaceutical Care Services

Privacy is of utmost importance in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), especially in the domain of pharmaceutical care services. This abstract presents an overview of the various privacy prevention techniques employed in CPS for pharmaceutical care services. CPS, which integrate physical components with computational elements, pose unique challenges to maintaining privacy. In pharmaceutical care services, the need to protect sensitive patient information while ensuring efficient delivery of medical services is vital. To address this challenge, several privacy prevention techniques have been developed. Firstly, access controls and authentication mechanisms are implemented to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to patient data. Encryption techniques are then employed to protect the confidentiality of data during transmission and storage. Additionally, anonymization techniques are used to remove personally identifiable information from datasets, ensuring patient privacy. Furthermore, data integrity is maintained through techniques such as digital signatures and hash functions, which detect any unauthorized modifications to the data. Privacy-enhancing technologies, such as differential privacy, are also utilized to limit the disclosure of sensitive information in aggregated datasets. Keywords - Privacy, Cyber Physical Systems, Pharmaceutical Care Services, Access Controls, Authentication, Encryption, Anonymization, Data Integrity, Digital Signatures, Hash Functions, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, Differential Privacy.