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The majority of apps in India have integrated both hardware and software innovations from the modern era. The medical industry has also evolved and is prepared to embrace the shifts in therapy that come with the virtual mode. Even so, there are numerous internet applications that mislead consumers when seeking medical advice and treatment. People are becoming anxious and perplexed when choosing the best hospital and physician for their care. Furthermore, the majority of loved ones are too shocked to think clearly, complicating the process of selecting the best hospital. To choose the best hospital, most individuals prefer to consult with a well-qualified person they know. In certain cases, a person receiving treatment for one disease may not benefit from the same treatment for a different ailment. There is very little chance of healing someone even if they are transported in some way to the nearest hospital. As a result, the person’s time, money, and health will all be directly impacted. The suggested method, which uses a machine learning approach to analyze and forecast the patient’s physical symptoms and make recommendations for the hospital, may be useful in such circumstances. Keywords - Personalized Health Suggestions, Health Information, Machine Learning, Healthcare Recommendations.