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The model density of states-based on Bethe models is extended. Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD) phase diagram suggests a direct interplay between temperature T and chemical potential µ which govern the formation of QGP. Results from the previous study are used as a framework, which included T as the only parameter to model density states and thus the free energies. The density of states is unperturbed, while the free energy integral is now parametrized by T, µ and another parameter magnetic field B . Magnetic field is known to exist intrinsically in the formation of QGP and is plays an integral role in the formation of QGP as the results in this literature show. Another modification incorporated is dynamic masses m(T), which are parametrized by T. Simulation is run and results show deviation from the numerical values of the earlier study. Interestingly the overall features of the free energy plots are preserved after the incorporation of chemical potential and magnetic field B along with temperature parametrized masses m(T). Thus ,indicating that these perturbations are indeed important to fully comprehend the nature and formation ofQuark-Gluon Plasma. Keywords - QGP, Magnetic Field, Statistical Model