Paper Title
Unique Tokenized Authentication Technique Based Data Offloading Approach Using Key Exchange (UTAT-DO-KE) Modelin Heterogeneous Networks

Data overload is a current problem due to the exponential growth of mobile users, which is causing networks to become more complex and generate massive amounts of traffic. Data overloading occurs due to insufficient network bandwidth. By addressing the enormous amount of network traffic, data overloading can be reduced. Even though mobile network capabilities are rapidly expanding, the aforementioned difficulty persists as we go from cellular to more advanced wireless networks. In mobile computing, offloading solutions have become more popular to handle the ever-increasing traffic from the internet. Since the network's capacity is being tested by an ever-increasing number of users and the data they generate, offloading solutions are beneficial. But, authentication is often a must-have before a connection can be established. The research concludes that a secure, economical, and effective data offloading approach for mobile computing is possible, and it also manages network traffic well. Users may also be very vulnerable to privacy invasions involving individuals' personal information. To circumvent these risks, it is helpful to anticipate the nodes' authenticity and negotiate secret keys. For networks with limited resources, it is difficult to create a mutually authenticating and secret key exchanging system that is both private and safe. The primary goal of this research is to develop a method that combines key exchange authentication with an efficient data offloading strategy to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data during transmission over the whole network. This research presents a technique named UTAT-DO-KE, which stands for Unique Tokenized Authentication Technique based Data Offloading using Key Exchange, to ensure data integrity during communication over heterogeneous networks. Keywords - Unique Tokenized Authentication Technique, Heterogeneous networks, Offloading.