Paper Title
“Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on the Body Image and Self-Esteem of Indian Men”

This study aimed at identifying the demographics of victims and non-victims of IPV, examine the correlation among IPV, body-image, and self-esteem and finally to compare the two groups. The responses were obtained by using standardized tools for measuring our three variables. The tools were: Composite Abuse Scale-Revised (Gilboe, 2016), Body Appreciation Scale-2 (Avalos, Tylka, & Wood-Barcalow, 2005), and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965). The data was collected randomly from Indian men, belonging to the age group above 16 years. For victims of IPV, the correlation between BI and IPV is negative and weak, with a coefficient of -0.368, between SE and BI is moderate and positive, with a coefficient of 0.379, and IPV and SE is negative and weak, with a coefficient of -0.305. Whereas for non-victims of IPV, the correlation between BI and SE is 0.3932, indicating a positive correlation. Intimate Partner Violence has a negative correlation with body-image and self-esteem. Whereas, body-image and self-esteem has a strong positive correlation. These results are similar for both the groups, victims of Intimate Partner Violence and non-victims of Intimate Partner Violence. Keywords - Intimate Partner Violence; Body-Image; Self-Esteem; Men