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The globe is aware that the current scenario is transfiguring rapidly, wherein one ought to agree with Artificial Intelligence's predominant and inevitable role in numerous spheres. Concomitantly, it plays a vital role in English Language Teaching. Artificial Intelligence is often conjectured and asserted by globally acclaimed academicians that it simulates the student or learner when adopted in teaching English. Globally famous applications like Duolingo, Grammarly, and software like Chatbot are proven to give instant gratification to the student, which indeed fosters the student's trait of curiosity. It is evident that since the 20th Century, owing to countless technological advancements, English language teachers have been adapting numerous such applications like Computer-Assisted Language Learning or CALL, which is pragmatically manifested to be beneficial in their classroom teaching. Nonetheless, one has to construe that the application of Artificial Intelligence has its distinctive pros and cons, which are to be addressed. The English language teacher should never forget that acquisition of any language is said to take place subconsciously, and it is believed that when the learner is made a part of the targeted language ambiance, that further eases the scenario. The teacher should also mull over how far Artificial Intelligence could be appertained on this account. This paper examines relevant literature and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing Artificial Intelligence in the context of English Language Teaching. Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Duolingo, Chatbot, 20th Century.