Paper Title
Portable Organic Food Processing System Using Pulsed Electric Field

The study introduces a groundbreaking Arduino- based Portable Pulsed Electric Field(PEF)system designed for organic food processing. The demand for sustainable, eco- friendly, andportablefoodprocessingsolutionsismetwithour innovative approach. The system, driven by Arduino technology, consists of a pulse generator, custom treatment chambers, and an intuitive user interface. It offers optimized PEF treatment parameters for organic produce, emphasizing microbial inactivation while preserving quality. Its compact designanduser-friendlyinterfaceenablesmall-scaleproducers and individuals to harness the potential of PEF technology. This solution contributes to on-site processing, reducing food waste and energy consumption, aligning with the organic food industry'ssustainabilitygoals.OurPortablePEFsystempaves the way for more efficient, eco-conscious organic food production and distribution. Keywords – Pulse Generator, PEF Treatement Chamber, Fluid Handling System, Control and Monitoring Devices