Paper Title
Recent Advances in The Early Diagnosis of Boas Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques

Brachycephaly, a distinct morphological trait characterized by a small, flattened face, is what makesbrachycephalic dogs some of the most popular breeds worldwide. However, these unique physical features come with a spectra of health issues, most notably Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS), a severe respiratory disorder that is a leading cause of mortality in these short-muzzled dogs.Owing to ignorance and insufficient understanding,problems related to BOAS are frequently ignored and only identified when they deteriorate, requiring invasive procedures and veterinary surgery. This indicates the necessity of creating ML and DL-based early detection strategies for BOAS in order to give these animals a longer and better life.In this study, we explored various machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques employed in last six years to diagnose BOAS. The current study on BOAS and other diseases prevalent in brachycephalic dogsaims to provide future researchers with a comprehensive understanding of existing ML and DL approaches in veterinary sciences. Keywords - Brachycephaly, BOAS, Respiratory Disorder, Machine Learning, Deep Learning.