Paper Title
The Impact of Family Background and English Proficiency on Undergraduates’ Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is crucial for college students' academic success and career development. Despite its importance, few studies have examined the combined effects of family background and English proficiency on undergraduates' critical thinking skills. This study fills this gap by analyzing how these factors individually and synergistically influence critical thinking. Data were collected from 400 college students of various grades, majors, and backgrounds at Wenzhou Universities via a questionnaire survey distributed through Questionnaire Star. Pearson correlation and regression analyses in SPSS revealed that both family background and English proficiency significantly impact critical thinking abilities, with improved English proficiency markedly enhancing these skills. The synergistic effect of family background and English proficiency suggests an interaction of educational resources, cognitive abilities, and socio-cultural factors. These findings highlight the need for collaborative efforts between home and school to foster environments conducive to students' academic and professional success. Keywords - Family background, English proficiency, Undergraduate, Critical thinking skill