Paper Title
The paper presents artificial intelligence concepts, its uses and its applications.
Keywords - Statistics, Machines, Web Search Engines, Artificial Neurons
Artificial Intelligence(AI) is a set of technologies that enables computers to perform a variety of advanced functions including the ability to see,understand, and translate spoken and written languages.
AI is a broad field that encompasses many different disciplines, including computer science, data analytics and statistics, linguistics.
AI is a field of research in computer science that develops and studies method and software that enables machine to perceive their environments and use learning and intelligence to take action that maximizes their chance of achieving defined goals.
For example Optical character recognition uses AI to extract text and data from images and documents.
Some high profile applications of AI include advance web search engines, recemmendation systems.
The traditional goals of AI research include reasoning,natural languages processing,planning, learnings and support for robotics.
NEURAL NETWORK: A common type of model in AI
A neural network is a system of artificial neurons, sometimes called perceptrons that are computational nodes uses to classify and analyze data.the data is fed into the first layer of neural network with each perceptronsmaking a decisions then passing that information onto multiples nodes in the next layer. Models with more than three layers are referred to as deep neural network or deep learning.
Artificial intellegence was founded as an academic disciplines in 1956.
The paper gives anintroduction to artificial intelligence andsome applications of it.
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