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A Tachometer is a device which measures the speed of a rotating object like an electric motor or a crank shaft of a vehicle engine. Speed of an electric motor is determined by the number of revolutions made by the motor in one minute. In other words, seed is measured in RPM (Revolution Per Minute). Here, in this project, we designed a simple Non-Contact or Contactless Digital Tachometer using 8054 Microcontroller, which can measure speed with an accuracy of 1rev/sec. The basic principle behind the Contactless Digital Tachometer involves a simple embedded system with a sensor, a controller used is 8051 Microcontroller loaded with a compiled code and the actuator is a display device, for displaying the speed of the motor. The Contactless Digital Tachometer circuit can be used to calculate speed of rotating wheels, discs and motor shaft. This circuit can be used at places where direct contact with motor shaft or wheels is not possible to be made, as in case of vehicles and also in industrial machines. This circuit can be used at homes to check speed of small battery operated fans and other motor based devices.