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Water is becoming the most precious resources of the world due to population growth and industrialisation. Also, the change in climate pattern makes the water more scarce due to abnormal rainfall in a day. Water is first prioritized for domestic uses and then for industrial purposes and irrigation purpose. The farming community faces challenges mainly due to insufficient water for irrigation in crop period. Hence the southern region of Madurai, practices irrigation using wastewater sine early nineteenth century. Nearly 25MLD of wastewater is discharged in the sub basin. This study to analyze the wastewater productivity, economic benefits, health and environmental issues mainly groundwater and soil. The farmers in this region cultivates fodder crop using untreated wastewater which is rich in nutrients. The farmers get benefits by cultivating greens and fodder grass. The main problem using wastewater is dermatological problem such as skin rashes, skin allergy. Groundwater and soil quality is poor due to wastewater used in irrigation in the study areas. Keywords - Million Litre Per Day, Fodder Crops, Wastewater, Freshwater.