Paper Title
Double Gate with Triple Metal Vertical TFET: DC and RF Performance due to Gate to Drain Overlap
This proposed device has double gate having triple metal with different work functions (4.0eV, 4.30eV, 4.15eV respectively). The variation in the energy band gap and the work function engineering produces an in-channel potential barrier that affects the tunnelling mechanism and the ambipolarity in the device. In this research paper the effect of varying the metal gate length over drain region is discussed for the structure. The examined DC analysis and analog RF parameters that are dealt include, Id -VGS characteristics curve, energy band gap profile in its ON/OFF state, Sub threshold slope (SS), ambipolarity due to overlap, its parasitic capacitance 〖(C〗_gs and C_gd), transconductance (g_m), cut-off frequency (f_t), gain bandwidth product (GBW), transit time(τ), trans conductance frequency product (TFP), trans conductance generation factor (TGF). The complete analysis of the device has been done by using TCAD Silvaco Atlas 2D tool. The comprehensive study has been done by varying the gate over drain overlap and the enhanced performance is observed for the Double Gate having Triple Metal TFET. The improved device matrices are: Sub threshold Slope of 9.18 mV/dec, on current, ION to be 1.55 x 10-6 A/ µm, off-current IOFF to be 1.56x 10-18 A/µm and a high I_ON/I_OFF current ratio as 2.38 x 1012A/µm. Tunneling mechanism is best observed by using dielectric material with high κ value.
Keywords - SS, Ambipolarity, Parasitic Capacitance, Trans Conductance, Cut – off Frequency, GBW, TFP, TGF.