Paper Title
Dynamic-Feature, Exraction, Attribution, and Reconstruction (Dear) Method

This thesis makes an effort approach a method of deriving the reduced dynamic model of the 30 machine bus systems. It consists of identification of coherent generators, aggregation of coherent generators and network reduction. Coherent generators are identified by means of time domain simulation. In interconnected power systems, dynamic model reduction can be applied to generators outside the area of interest to reduce the computational cost associated with transient stability studies. The method consists of three step, namely dynamic-feature extraction, attribution, and reconstruction (DEAR). In this method, a feature extraction technique, such as singular value decomposition (SVD), is applied to the measured generator dynamics after a disturbance. Characteristic generators are then identified in the feature attribution step for matching the extracted dynamic features with the highest similarity, forming a suboptimal �basis� of system dynamics. In the reconstruction step, generator state variables such as rotor angles and voltage magnitudes are approximated with a linear combination of the characteristic generators, resulting in a quasi-nonlinear reduced model of the original system. Keywords - Dynamic response, feature extraction, dynamic model reduction, orthogonal decomposition, power systems.