Paper Title
The Study of Antiepileptic Activity of Clove Oil by MES Model In Mice

Background - The objective was to evaluate and compare the effect of extract of essential oil of clove with the standard sodium valproate on MES model. Methods - A total of thirty mice were taken, they were given a electroconvulsive shock. Thirty mice were divided into five groups of six animals each; the control group received distilled water 5ml/kg i.p, standard received Inj. Sodium valproate 200 mg/kg i.p. Another group received Sesame oil � 10ml/kg i.p(control ), test groups received Clove oil- 0.075 ml/kg i.p., Clove oil-0.1ml/kg i.p respectively. All the injections were given 30 minutes before the test. Results - Clove oil produced significant antiepileptic effect at all the doses. Conclusion - Clove oil has shown significant antiepileptic activity in mice. Keywords - Epilepsy, Clove oil, Albino mice, MES model.