Paper Title
In-Silicomodeling and Docking Interaction Hordeumvulgareand Csep0064 Of Blumeriagraminis

Barley is a cereal crop grown widely in all climates but there are a number of biotic and abiotic factors which affect the crop yield and quality. Fungal attack is one of the most prevailing concerns for crop and yield loss. Blumeriagraminisaffects the barley as it causes powdery mildew disease. Barley has its own immunity but that is not sufficiently effective. Therefore, biologists are continuously working towards the plant immunity and control of diseases. Pathogenesis Related protein (PR5) of barley has anti-fungal properties which releases in result of virulence factor Candidate for Secreted Effector Proteins (CSEP0064) of B. graminis. Various CSEPs are released during and after haustoria formation in barley. PR5 and CSEP0064 molecular interaction gives insight in the immunity of barley. In this study, we generate the molecular models of PR5 and CSEP0064 through HexDocking Server their mutual interaction was studied. The interaction between PR5 and CSEP0064 molecular models were studied for the first time proving the role of PR5 and CSEP0064 in barley immunity. This study shows the complex formed between PR5 and CSEP0064 through bioinformatics tools. The complex is formed with 619.9 kCal/mol e-value which represents the requirement of very high energy for breaking the bond between two molecules. This research can be further used to study the barley immunity, control of pathogen attack and for increasing the crop yield. Keywords - Barley, Blumeriagraminis, CSEP0064, Immunity, PR5