Paper Title
Amalgmation of Engineering Students� Co-Curricular Activities
As engineering educators prepare more high-quality engineers for the global workforce, more emphasis has been placed on developing students� professional skills, increasing student persistence, and improving diversity in the engineering workforce. Co-curricular activities have been considered as a unique way to improve these outcomes. In order to better understand the role of co-curricular activity in engineering education and to accurately identify future research areas, the present study synthesized the findings on two domains: what factors are related to engineering students� participation in co-curricular activities and what are the outcomes of student participation. The results indicate that female and minority students are more likely to engage in co-curricular activities. Some institutional characteristics influence student participation. In general, co-curricular activities support engineering students� cognitive development, affective development, persistence in engineering, and career preparation. Different types of co-curricular activities are associated with different outcomes. These findings suggest that educators should encourage and support students to participate in co-curricular activities and point to the need for additional research.
Keywords � engineering educator, engineering students, co-curricular activity