Paper Title
Automatic Identification, Definition Clarification and Classification of English Puns

In natural language processing system. word sense disambiguation is one of the major problem encountered. Word Sense Disambiguation is the work of identification of sense of a word in a particular context in which the word has multiple meaning. In some applications such words are uses to make humour and this multiple meaning words are known as puns. That is the pun is a form of word play that suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous effect. In the present work, I introduced a task of identifying ambiguous word from the given sentence and produce this words meaning corresponding to the current context and finally classified the pun into a category. Then evaluated the system in a controlled area for pun identification and definition clarification of the ambiguous word from the given sentence. Index terms - Word Sense Disambiguation; NLP; Machine learning; English Puns; Data Mining; Classification.