Paper Title
An Economics of Rainfed Maize Affected by Natural Nitrification Inhibitors (ZEA MAYS L.)

Maize is an exhaustive (Zea mays L.) crop. The low productivity of maize during kharif season is attributed to a wide range of constraints including the low nitrogen use efficiency due to various loss. To reduce this loss nitrogen fertilizer has to be treated with NNIS (natural nitrification inhibitors) like like neem cake (NCU), neem cake + coal tar (NCTU), Vitex negundo leaf powder (VCU), Vitex + coal tar (VCTU), karanj cake (KCU), karanj cake + coal tar (KCTU), coal tar (CTU) and castor oil (CU) along with uncoated urea and absolute control with no nitrogen. This NNI will slow down the nitrification process and increases the availability of nitrogen throughout the crop growth ultimately increases the yield and economics. Application of NNIs resulted in increased cost of cultivation due to coating urea with NCTU ( 23093 ha-1) followed by NCU ( 21999 ha-1) led to the highest cost of cultivation followed by other NNIs. Highest gross monetary returns (GMR), net monetary returns (NMR), benefit cost ratio (B: C ratio) were realized with VCU ( 48529, 27348 ha-1, 1.29, respectively) followed by VCTU ( 48066, 27180 ha-1, 1.30). Uncoated urea recorded higher NMR and B: C ratio as compared to control. Keywords - Maize Yield, Natural Nitrification Inhibitors, gross monetary returns, net monetary returns, benefit cost ratio and cost of cultivation.