Paper Title
Text to Braille Conversion: A Survey
In the current era the world around us is going to be electronic. Everything is at present available at digital and
virtual world and the whole world is taking the advantages of that but the problem is arising when the visually impaired
person will be concerned about the electronic and digitized world. Approximately 84 million people in this world are not
able to see and those blind persons could not be able to take advantage of electronic world like reading of digital data from
the electronic thing. They use the Braille language to read the data with the sense of touching to it but the problem is arisen
when the reading has to be done from the electronic content as they cannot sense it by touching to it. Software is developed
to perform the translation of Text to Braille and support of translation to Braille from many languages with the translation
following grade rules. This application is improvements to the existing system in terms of features and abilities in translating
the text into Braille code. Among those features that can be added to this application is to add the number of letters that can
be translated. This application is a web based application.
Keywords - Electronic Text, Rule Based Algorithm, Braille Board