Paper Title
Motion Planning for Multiple Robots in Minimum Time Interval in Cluttered Environment

Since time immemorial, man has marshalled his thoughts to bring in the great many changes in today's’ running world. One of the ingenious inventions is of the ‘Robots’. It is now quite evident that Robots are expected to perform multitasks dexterously. Umpteen number of Robots work under a common roof and disposition of a workspace is very vital. Robots are randomly spaced and this arises a quandary for the robots to complete the task simultaneously with versatility while checking for any collisions in their destined path and aberration from the hindrance that is on the way is an important aspect. The paper delineates such S-plan, where robots can reach its target in minimal time deviating from the path of collision in an uncluttered environment. Index Terms - Mobile Robots, Interfaces and virtual reality, Simulation