Paper Title
A Review Paper on Mimosa Pudica Linn & Callus Tissue Culture

This papers presents a review on plant tissue culture with special emphasis on callus culture. Various systems of medicines like Unani, Ayurvedic, organic or herbal treatments utilize plants in the treatment of diseases. Plants such as fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum), guggul (Commiphoramukul), artichoke (Cynarascolymus) and holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) help in decreasing cholesterol. Mimosa pudica is also one such medicinal plant. Because of medicinal properties, Mimosa pudica has revived interest amongst various research scholars all over the world. The plant tissue culture technique is very helpful in getting more yield of phytochemicals. Callus is an unorganized mass of proliferating cells growing on solid substratum that are originally been isolated from a plant. These techniques help in large-scale culture of plant cells, anther, ovule and embryo culture, protoplast isolation and fusion, cell selection, meristem and bud culture and genetic transformation of cells and plants. Keywords - Callus, Mimosa pudica, Chui mui, Tissue culture, Medicinal, Biotechnology