Paper Title
Effect of Sleep State on EEG Rhythm in Normal as well as in Febrile Seizure Children

In this study, our aim was to find out the effect of sleep state on EEG rhythm in normal as well as in children with febrile seizures of age group upto 10 years in our hospital. In this study, we evaluated the EEGs in sleep state of 17 normal children & 76 EEGs in sleep state of febrile seizure children. In our study, the results showed that the sleep state of children had a statistically significant effect on EEG rhythm in normal as well as in febrile seizure children. Delta rhythm only or delta rhythm mixed with theta rhythm were the most prominent rhythm in sleep state in normal as well as in febrile seizure children. Keywords - α Alpha rhythm, β beta rhythm, δ delta rhythm, EEG electroencephalogram, FS febrile seizure, θ theta rhythm