Paper Title
Robust and Optimized Acknowledge based Data Transmission for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)

In the era of the Information Technology world, w here Internet plays the important role in mentioning the whole world as the global village. In that aspect Communication medium is the back bone of the system. In the medium of the wireless sensors network where data flows form a source if hub through he routing protocol mechanism is the most important. In this paper, we try to put forward the concept of the Cryptographic key management for the managing the secure data transmission. Extending the support of the protocol where the encryption and decryption methodology plays to give the transmission. The key fact behind this paper is try give the extension to the classical mechanism where the optimization is not up to the mark of satisfaction. Here we consider the each and every node and its associated hub to attach to the parent node which we maintain the security sand optimization in the map reduced programming. Keywords - Delay-Tolerant Routing; Packet Delivery Delay Distribution; Communication Cost Distribution, Optimized Matrix.