Paper Title
Automation of Integrated Intelligent decision Support System for Missile Selection based on Multi-Criteria Decision Aid during War and Training

Various levels of automation that can be introduced in i-MiDeSS from where the operator has no say in the decision-making process to optimum levels of automation where the designed system makes only recommendations and the operator will have final say in missile selection process. Development and implementation ofi-MiDeSS to support intelligent decision making is an interesting area of research that has gained importance in recent years. Due to the increased complexity in decision making for selecting the most suitable missileto launch during war and training, an active involvement of the operator and thei-MiDeSS in an intelligent way is necessary for the final decision process. The aim of this research paper is to develop an algorithm for integratedMissile Decision Support System (i-MiDeSS), which would recommend the most optimal missile for a given target.Thei-MiDeSS takes the decision on the choice of missile based on rule-based decision-making algorithm which is explained in the paper. This i-MiDeSS will assist military commanders to take real time and accurate decision on the appropriate missilefor specificwar and training scenarios. Keywords - Integrated Missile Decision Support System i-MiDeSS, Missile Selection Algorithm (MSA), Ballistic Missile Defence System (BMDS),Decision Support System DSS, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA),Circular Error of Probable(CEP), Killing Radius KR, Warhead (WH), Engagement Time (ET),Rule-based data mining techniques.