Paper Title
Numerical Computation of Forward and Inverse Kinematics and an Approach to Restrict the Rate of Motion of Rigid Bodies
Forward and Inverse Kinematics form the essential part in the working of different kinds of serial and parallel manipulators. These manipulators constitute uses in different kind of applications spreading across diverse industries and have a pre-defined degree of freedom. Some of the application of these manipulators are in robotic arm, space investigative telescopes, flight simulations, robotic assisted surgery,etc.
The proposed approach discusses a way to compute forward and inverse kinematics of a 6 degree of freedom system leveraging the existing well-established principles of 3D geometry and vector mathematics. It also describes a numerical approach to restrict the motion of a 6 degree of freedom system to a rate specified using law of transitivity. This can be used in critical applications that require the movement of any composite structure at a controlled rate.
Keywords - Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, Euler Angles, restricting rate, law of transitivity, Transformation matrix.