Paper Title
How to Integrate Micro and Macro Management for Organization Evolution?

Work place diversity is best studied through observing the behavior and efforts of the organization's leaders. The strategic plan developed by the company leaders modifies the goals for upper management that builds the steps to making strategy into action. Every leader performs two roles in the organization, one is macro managerial and the second one is micro managerial role. Creating a right environment and culture in the organization is an essential component of macro leadership and analyzing and implementing the plan of action on a day-to-day basis by monitoring every activity is micro level leadership. This paper focuses on understanding the functions of a leader at macro and micro leadership level and aims to do a comparative study between micro and macro management. It presents the theoretical concepts about micro and macro managerial style of leadership and its implementation. Considering the qualitative data with observation and case studies from non - numerical data, certain explanatory conclusion has been derived. Evidently from my analysis draws a picture that shows the various phases of micro and macro management and its upcoming potential for good organizational behaviour. One of the most critical challenges faced by leaders is how to integrate micro and macro domains and finally, offer suggestions for future research with the goal of bridging the micro–macro gap. Keywords - Diversity, Qualitative Data, Macro and Micro Level Leadership, Organizational Behavior