Paper Title
SDN: Future of Networks

Emerging technologies are making a revolutionary shift in the current IT industry. Technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Software Defined Networking(SDN), Big Data, Cloud Computing, Micro Data Center etc are changing the Internet and businesses around the world. Large Companies like Google, Facebook, Intel etc are making big changes in their implementations and their network architecture. This paper explains the SDN and SD-WAN and how they are making changes in the network industry. We have also analysed history of SDN and highlighted it's benefits over traditional network. It also includes the layered architecture of SDN and comparison of various SDN controllers. This has the different case studies on how SDN changed the Network Architecture of some large datacenter companies and brings benefits to them. Traditional Networking stayed for a very long time and companies are migrating from traditional network architecture towards software defined networks and there are different phases involved in the migration. Control Plane and Data Plane separation makes the SDN success. SDN is still in its early stages and needs a good amount of research. Migration from traditional network architecture to SDN needs investments and a good workforce that has experience. Keywords - SDN, OpenFlow, Data Center, Control Plane, Data Plane, SDN Case Studies, OpenDaylight, Nicira